Dec. 31, 2019

006 - Creating Margin in Your Life to Do the Things that Matter!

006 - Creating Margin in Your Life to Do the Things that Matter!
Welcome to The Fully Lived Life podcast! A podcast for those who are longing to pursue the full life and want to break free from anything that holds them back. Listen in as two friends - a psychologist, Dr. Merry and a life coach, Gillian - talk about life, love and purpose - with wisdom, humour and transparency - through the lens of science, psychology, and life experiences. How do you get your butt in gear to enter a new year and a new decade? How do you head into this new year with grace, space and forgiveness for yourself? Join Merry and Gillian as they walk through some practical and intentional steps to help you honestly assess your life's demands and how you can create margin for the things you long for that bring you joy. Merry shares how taking action is key to how she wants to live. How do we keep a busy life with many demands in some sort of balance? Is this even possible? Does your life feel chaotic? if so, it's not a matter of just becoming a better juggler. Merry suggests using a better approach to create margin or white space in our lives. Margin becomes a priority and may create disappointment in others if we say no to incoming demands - Enneagram 2’s and people pleasers, be aware! Facing our problems requires us to respond to bring resolution. This may be uncomfortable and even scary as it may expose how we rationalize our lives’ pain and tension points. Gillian and Merry provide several life coaching tools for our listeners to identify what is going on to hold us back from creating white space. The dinner plate exercise helps us identify what we are doing by choice. The Adrenal Fatigue exercise helps us with an honest evaluation of our physical and emotional well being and can be used as a wake up tool to make changes. Do you need a friend to journey with you? Accountability can help! Merry and Gillian share some changes that they will build margin for in 2020 and will hold each other accountable for these changes. Remember - change doesn’t happen without being intentional. Links: Dinner Plate Exercise : Adrenal Fatigue: Sacred Pathways: Dr. Merry’s book: Dr. Merry’s videos: Dr. Merry’s website: Dr. Lin & Associates: Gillian’s Website: