June 18, 2021

073 - Season 2 Finale - Our Personal Manifesto

073 - Season 2 Finale - Our Personal Manifesto

Welcome to The Fully Lived Life podcast! A podcast for those who are longing to pursue the full life and want to break free from anything that holds them back. Listen in as two friends - a psychologist, Dr. Merry, and a life coach, Gillian - talk about life, love, and purpose - with wisdom, humor, and transparency -  through the lens of science, psychology, and faith.


We wrap up season 2 by a short recap of what we’ve covered over the year, and Dr. Merry and Gillian share about some of their favourite conversations. We introduce the idea of writing a personal manifesto to capture key learnings, values and dreams for our lives.

So What?

Manifesto definition: a statement in which someone makes his or her intentions or views clear.  A personal life manifesto acts:

  • As a frame for your life.
  • As a compass, pointing you toward what you’ve decided is your true north.
  • As a way to focus your mind and remind you of your priorities.
  • As a source of motivation.
  • As inspiration to live your purpose more fully.
  • As a foundation upon which to build your life.
  • As a way to begin to bring a new life—or a new way of living—into existence

Now What?

And now we are going to challenge you to enter the summer with some thoughts. We would like you to write your life manifesto. To help you write your own manifesto or life purpose guide, we are including a link to a PDF based on Craig Groeschel’s book Chazown. It will take time and thoughtful reflection and honesty with yourself but it will be so worth it. You may have to make a few drafts before you have it clear and concise and reflective of where you want to go. So carve out some time over the summer to do this.


Dr. Merry’s book: https://amzn.to/2rCrJyI

Dr. Merry’s website: https://drmerry.com

Dr. Lin & Associates: http://drlinandassociates.com

Gillian’s Website: https://gillianmcshane.com

Chazown Guide:https://bit.ly/3vq1VkQ

Chazown Videos: https://bit.ly/3bWdmJA